Events in 2012

Ishuwa in Maui, Hawaii

Opening To Contact

When we are ready, they will appear.
Open Q and A with Ishuwa.
Heart to Heart Communications with our Galactic Family.

Sunday, December 9, 2012
7:30pm - 9:30pm, Hawaiian Time
At the Maui SOL Center, Maui, Hawaii

The Contact Assembly

Presented Live Online

Sondra Sneed: Godscribe
Carla Reuckert: Law of One
Brad Johnson: Channel for Adronis
Shaun Swanson: Channel for Ishuwa

Includes a Discussion Panel and Open Q and A.

Sunday, December 9, 2012
12:00pm - 4:00pm, Pacific Time

Register online at:
Awakening Truth

Ishuwa in Laguna Hills, California

Those Who Will Come First

You can initiate Contact. ET Disclosure. Life on other Planets. Learn where our ET family has been and why they are connecting with us now.

Includes Open Q and A with Ishuwa.

At the Awakenings Learning Center.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012
7:00pm - 9:00pm, Pacific Time
25260 La Paz Rd, Laguna Hills, CA, 92653

Call: 949-457-0797 to Register.